Onsite Visits, Assessments, and Surveys
Florida Medical Consulting's patient safety and risk consultants are adept at assessing risk in a variety of inpatient and outpatient healthcare settings. They work closely with insureds to identify areas of concern and opportunities for improvement. Depending on each insured's unique needs, consultants might schedule onsite visits, targeted assessments, or surveys focusing on specific clinical areas.
These services allow Florida Medical Consulting consultants to learn more about each insured's risk management program, identify specific needs, and pinpoint opportunities for improvement in high-risk areas.
Policy Review
At insureds' request, Florida Medical Consulting's patient safety and risk consultants will review office/facility policies, procedures, and forms and offer risk management perspectives and considerations.
Consultative Advice
Florida Medical Consulting's patient safety and risk consultants are happy to work with insureds to address risk management questions, issues, and concerns. Consultative advice can be provided via telephone, email, and fax.
Risk Management
Florida Medical Consulting's patient safety and risk consultants help proactively meet risk challenges every day. Our expertise is in a variety of areas, including clinical process, patient safety, regulatory standards and compliance, performance improvement, health information technology, and business process.
We have experience working closely with healthcare providers, leaders, and staff on numerous risk issues, such as:
Disruptive behavior
Dispute resolution
Information consent/refusal
Policy development and review
Records retention/release
Infection control
Patient compliance and education
EHR implementation and utilization
Disclosure of unanticipated events
E-communication and social media
The greatest challenge facing health care providers in the 2000's is to preserve and improve the quality of health care services in the face of diminishing resources. A major part of this challenge is the prevention of financial losses from litigation. These losses may be in the form of direct costs, such as legal fees and insurance premiums, or indirect costs, such as unnecessary medical tests performed in a misguided attempt at "defensive" medicine. Whether direct or indirect, such losses reduce the resources available for necessary patient services.
Preventive law, like preventive medicine, is a multidisciplinary specialty. Just as the preventive medicine specialist must be skilled in both the mechanisms of individual illness and the epidemiologic techniques for the evaluation of the health of populations, the preventive law specialist must be versed in both the specific laws and the quantitative methods for the evaluation of risks. It is difficult to identify legally significant events in the mass of data that accompanies modern health care delivery.
Once these events are identified, however, their management requires a balance of legal and medical standards. To identify legally significant events, a provider must have an effective management control system, an in-depth knowledge of the applicable laws and professional standards, and a systematic approach to the evaluation of the information flow.